
Hey! This will be the last update for a while. I have to focus on school and stuff cause college yaknow. Unless a bunch of people start playing it this game is shelved. Thank you to those who have enjoyed it :)

NEW IN 0.0.5:

-Reworked all of the code so it is more efficient and easier to add features (Dm Me with Ideas :D)

-Fixed issues with Grub Bubs and changed sprite for Flif entity

-Added time between boss death and win screen in order to show the "Big Show"

-Tweaked many chance values so they are more properly distributed and common

-Tweaked enemies so they are more difficult

-Increased health to accompany enemy strength

-Removed most debug features for now

-Centered all assets to better suit collisions

-Grub Bubs now follow the player when there are no baskets and they have no baskets

-Flif is smaller, yay :D

-Added Trophy to main screen as a thank you for trying out my game :3 (It was originally going to be a trophy for a boss defeat but I have a better, more awesome plan for that now ;)


AntGame V0.0.5 2.3 MB
Oct 06, 2021
All Ant Game Versions through V0.0.5 9.7 MB
Oct 06, 2021

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